Wellness Tips for Busy Families
Saturday 10th October 2020 is World Mental Health Day and this year’s theme is “mental health for all”. Staying mentally fit, safe and well when the days are getting shorter and busier can be a real challenge for us all. To help you and your family with the changing season, here are five wellness tips that you can all do together, to ease you through those colder, darker days:
1. Boost your Immune System: Although it’s getting colder, it is still important to drink plenty of water or fluids and eat healthy, nutritious foods. Make some nourishing, home-made soups or warming casseroles which are ideal for this weather.
2. Move your body: It is easy to want to sit around when it is chilly outside, but it is important to get some movement in for your emotional and physical wellbeing. If you don’t want to do anything too strenuous, go for a gentle walk in nature. Raking leaves or tidying up the garden also count!
3. Consider taking Vitamin D: We usually get most of our Vitamin D from the sun, and living in Scotland where the days are shorter and darker during winter, we tend to spend more time indoors, meaning we need extra help to boost our mood and immunity. And more so during these uncertain times.
4. Play Music: Research shows that music reduces stress and promotes healing. Turn on your favourite song at home, sing your heart out or do a silly dance! See how good it makes you feel and it would also count towards moving your body 😊
5. Prioritise your wellbeing: It is easy for parents to get trapped into taking care of everyone else but forgetting to take care of themselves. Make sure you take some time out for yourself. You can’t look after others if you are not taking care of you. Slow down and do something that makes you feel good, whether it be reading a book, taking a nice relaxing bath or just having 5 minutes to breathe….
For more tips on staying safe, healthy and well, check out my Facebook or Instagram, I would love to connect!
